Neo-Khuzdul Dictionaries for Lotro Dwarves

“Forgive me, for it has been over a month since my last post”, I whispered through the lattice.  😉

Though on the bright side I’ve been using the past month or so for quite some items you’ll be finding on the blog in the very near future.

One of those items is related to our neo-khuzdul lessons.

As most no longer have access to the khuzdul tools (due to linking problems), or find the tools to heavy for their PCs, I’ve made 2 PDF dictionaries for all Lotro dwarves to download and use.

Some points to take into account concerning these:
* This is a Beta version – meaning that some items might not be included as yet.
* As the other lessons, the content is based on a) Tolkien’s writings  b) David Salo’s writings  c) Khuzdul Vocabulary used in Lotro d) Adunâic  e) Modern day semitic languages such as Hebrew and Arabic.
* These documents do not contain information related to conjugation, tenses, systems or word order.



Search Tip:  As these are in PDF, the easiest way to search is simpy to use CRTL-F and type what you need.

Other documents, previously embedded in “the Khuzdul Tools (part of the Neo-Khuzdul lessons)” will also be available via pdf soon.

About The Dwarrow Scholar

The Dwarrow Scholar first experienced the brilliance of Tolkien when he received a copy of The Hobbit from his uncle as a kid, reading it feverishly again and again. Some years on, when he got his very own walk-man (aye forget about tiny phones, this thing was a brick and played cassette tapes) he made his own little audiotape of The Hobbit, so he could listen to it on his bike on his way to school. Between reenacting the Battle of Five armies with 4 of his school friends (still feel sorry for the kid that had to be the Orc) and before the days of the internet, you would find Roy frequently in libraries trying to find all he could about Tolkien and his beloved dwarves. When Roy isn’t delving into Neo-Khuzdul or searching for lost dwarvish treasures on the net he’s enjoying time with his wife and son, re-reading his tormented Tolkien paperbacks, watching a good movie, learning new languages or playing a game of LoTRO or other dwarf related games.
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131 Responses to Neo-Khuzdul Dictionaries for Lotro Dwarves

  1. Adri says:

    I’d love to be added to the mailing list. Thank you for the work you’ve put into this! What a glorious resource.


  2. Ann V says:

    If possible, please add me to your mailing list. I find this quite fascinating!


  3. Nat says:

    I would like to sign up to the mailing list as well, if it is still available. =]


  4. Soulnova says:


    Excuse me, I would love to get these pdf by email. Is it still possible to add me to the mailing list??


  5. Sharky says:

    May I also join the mailing list? It would be fantastic to avoid scribd.


  6. Elizabeth Yee says:

    Hello! Can I join the mailing list too? Scribd requires membership :/


  7. Eva says:

    If you are still adding to the mailing list, could you add me too please? Thanks in advance!


  8. ADreamer says:

    I think your work with the Khuzdul dictionaries is really brilliant.
    If you are still adding to the mailing list, may you add me too? It would be lovely to avoid scribd membership

    Thank you so much


  9. Ross Glew says:

    Hi, i know im a bit late but if i could be added to the mailing list that would be great. Thanks


  10. Liz says:

    Hey, I know I’m a bit late, but this is just awesome! May I join the mailing list, too? 🙂


  11. Anita says:

    I’d like to join as well, if you’re still adding email addresses. Using Scribd has actually been a bit of a nightmare, with how they’re set up, so a PDF would be absolutely lovely!


  12. akblake says:

    I would also like to be added, if you would please, as scribd is not the most friendly of sites to play with and a pdf is far easier when it comes to searching a long list!


  13. Lex says:

    could I join the mailing list, as well? This looks absolutely brillient.


  14. Kris says:

    Hi, I have been using your dictionaries almost religiously for the past few months, and I just realised they were going to go offline! Could I possible be added to your mailing list for the updated versions if you are still taking email addresses? Thank you so much.


  15. Guy Hoedemakers says:

    I have the same problem as Kris. I’m a vivid roleplayer on lotro and been trying to learn the dwarven language since 2012, using your website. Never bothered to ask for a copy of the dictionaries before, since the website served me just fine.
    But since you’ll be going offline I was wondering if you could send a copy of those PDF my way aswell. If it’s not too much of a hassle.

    Thanks soo much for the years of updating and helping the community. Much appreciated.

    Kind regards


    • Hi Guy, to clear out a bit of confusion. I’m not going offline. The only thing going offline are the outdated khuzdul documents, as these will be replaced with updated once (as soon as I have been able to update all). I’ve added you to the list. Cheers, Roy


      • Guy Hoedemakers says:

        Ohh, must have mis-understood it (clearly). But this is great news, thanks for the update. And double thanks for adding me to the mailing list. I will make great use of it, in combination with the updated site. Thank you very much 🙂
        Kind regards,


  16. Nath says:

    Hey there, I just found out about your amazing work right now. I would be so thrilled to be added to the mailing list and get a copy of that dictionnary, if it is still possible. Seriously, it’s great what you’re doing here!!


  17. RavensJewel says:

    Please add me to the mailing list as well. I downloaded everything from Scribd a few weeks ago and have been delightedly learning and translating with the tools since then, but I would love to see anything revised or new that you put together. Thank you for all the work you have done on this!


  18. Wild-eyed Researcher says:

    Could I please be added to the mailing list too? I’d rather avoid Scribd but really want to use your fantastic dictionary as reference material in a fanfic I’m writing. I’ll quote you as a source of course: such incredible hard work NEEDS recognition!


  19. Mary says:

    Hi! I suppose you’ve gotten many comments already about getting added to the mailing list, would you awfully mind adding me too? Thanks, I can’t seem to download the PDFs, and I’m really fascinated by them. By the way, your work is very awesome. Once again, thanks!


  20. Samantha Dennett says:

    I would love to be added to the mailing list on this. The work you have done here is AMAZING!


  21. Noah Grassle says:

    Hello could I please be added to the list I would love to see the more worked on copies it would be great to be able to speak some dwarven with my friends.


  22. Phoenix says:

    Hey there, would it be possible to add me to the email list as well? I couldn’t get the document off of Scribd and I’m really interested in this. Great job!


  23. Eric Keith says:

    Hey, I would also love a copy of this dictionary! If it isn’t to much trouble.


  24. Olli says:

    Hey, I would like one too if possible. Thank you for the great content anyways!


  25. vinicius says:

    hi i need some help how speels “king under the mountain” in khuzdul ?


    • That would be Uzbad undu ‘abbad or Uzbad undu ‘Urd (when referring to the Lonely Mountain). Though other forms for “king” can be used in this case I believe it to be the best option.


  26. Hi…. Uhm, I only recently found this, mainly because my Tolkien forte was Elvish. However after several months of going back and fort between the LOTR trilogy and the two presentations of the Hobbit on the big screen, I find myself drawn more and more towards the culture and language of the Naugrim. Could you please add me to the mailing list to receive the Khuzdul dictionary? I hope I’m not too late. Thanks, and may the hair on your head never fall off 🙂 .


  27. Starshine Windlord says:

    I have absolute respect for the effort and glory you have poured into this. Add me to the list of souls eager for a direct copy once things are updated.

    If they’re updated already, excellent, just let me know in email 😀

    I actually attempted login over at scribd but they made the login process arduous AND they want money for their shoddy web-craftsmanship. I’d rather respect the craftsman directly.


  28. Crys says:

    I have been looking for a way to translate Gimli’s “faithless is he who says farewell when the road darkens ” into Khuzdul- just wondering if you have had a try on it? I found the writing in Elvish but that just won’t do for a Dwarf!

    Thanks 🙂


    • Hello there. You are in luck, this is one of the sayings I’ve translated in the new documentation to be released soon: “Binazrâm hu tada taglibi ‘aimu-galikh kuthu tharkh tadishi.”
      Info on the translation: bin = without/lacking azrâm = faith | hu = he | tada = though there is a word for “who” in neo-khuzdul, this wouldn’t fit here in this translation as it is used for questions, hence the choice for “tada”, which means “that” | taglibi = (he) speaks/says | aimu = journey / galikh = good (“good-journey” = farewell) | kuthu = when | tharkh = the road | tadishi = (it) darkens. A literal translation would give: “Without faith is he that says farewell when the road darkens”.


      • Crys says:

        This is great! Is there a way I could find how this would be written with the Khuzdul characters?


  29. Custard says:

    Amazing work! I’d also like to be added to the list. Thank you!


  30. La'Kay says:

    Hi! I’d love to be added to the email list as well. This is a gem to find and thank you for taking your time to make it! 😀


  31. Brylee Jayne says:

    Hi! I seriously admire the effort you’ve put into this and was just wondering if I could be added to the mailing list as well? Thank you in advance!


  32. ari says:

    This is amazing work. Would like to be put on the list as well. Thank you!


  33. S. says:

    Hi there – I’d like to go on the mailing list for the updated PDFs, please!

    The current version is great – I wish I had time to get a better handle on the grammar 🙂


  34. Israel Sanchez says:

    Please, add me in your next mailing list. I had just began the reading of The Hobbit for my son and daugther (5 and 2). He was amazed by the films and hopefuly he will be amazed by the books as well and I would like to learn more a bout the secret language.

    Best regards


  35. Gilkluk says:

    Add me to The List please


  36. Arik Meijer says:

    In all my years of reading fantasy books and documents I have never stumbled across a more complete, comprehensive and detailed (fan)dictionary. You deserve high praise and had I had the means to fund your work, I would. This is art in it’s most spectacular form and you should be very proud of your efforts. I can add little else to the praise you’re already receiving in the comments, so I will leave you with this request.
    For several months I’ve been working on the lettering for a future tattoo sleeve, and I would very much like it if you could help me with your expertise in Khuzdul as the foundation for translating a text. Should you be so inclined, kindly reply to this comment or send me an e-mail. Thank you for all you have done for Tolkien fans around the globe. Honor to you.


  37. Teresa Dumort says:

    I was wondering if you could please add me to the mailing list for the files? This is really great work and has really helped me in learning more Khuzdul.


  38. Jon says:

    I hope it’s not to late for a copy of the dictionaries. I frequently play dwarves and would like to add dome flavor to my characters. Thank you for compiling this for us.


  39. Neewa Aleeyas says:

    Hi, can you please add me in the list too? Please….thank you!


  40. Raliena says:

    After several months of flitting into and out of your dictionary I have to ask for you to e-mail me a copy. It’s driving me *nuts* not being able to read through the list of words easily. This is a great resource and is far and above anything I could image being able to come up with. Pretty please?

    As a Tolkien fan I have to say, you have gone A and B the C of D (Above and Beyond the Call of Duty).

    Many thanks to you.


  41. Glim Stoutbarrel says:

    Greetings Scholar! I have been in search of this very dictionary you have compiled! May I be added to the mailing list as well? The work you’ve put in thus far is fantastic, thank you!


  42. RoniJ says:

    I hope I’m not too late to this, but I was wondering if I could be added to the list? I’d love to be able to read these but unfortunately I’m not a registered user of Scribd.

    High praise to you for making this and I hope you have a wonderful day.

    Many thanks.


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