More (Neo-)Khuzdul Documents and Tools for dwarven RP-ers and Khuzdul fanatics.

Hail friends!

So, I’m continuing to create PDF’s and small spreadsheets from the Khuzdul tools I made for the lessons.

For those of you that were wondering where I got much of the information related to neo-khuzdul, many of the below documents contain source references.

Now, one thing that I noticed when reading about khuzdul is that much of what is written to date is written in a language that requires a degree in linguistics…. with the below documents I tried to avoid that as much as I could and make this accessible to all.
I hope these will help any lotro dwarf RP-er with an interest in the language.



KHUZDUL TENSES (Explained with examples)

KHUZDUL SCALED FORMS (Schematic of Comperatives, Superlatives and Sublatives)

KHUZDUL SCALED FORMS (Rules of Comperatives, Superlatives and Sublatives)




KHUZDUL PERSONAL FORMS (Explained with examples)

KHUZDUL NEUTRAL FORMS (Rules on how to create plurals from root)

KHUZDUL NEUTRAL FORMS  (Schematic on how to create plurals from root)

KHUZDUL NUMBERS (Numbers and form explained)

KHUZDUL ALPHABET (Angerthas Moria & Angerthas Erebor)

KHUZDAZ CALENDAR  (overview 2011-2015)

KHUZDAZ CALENDAR (detailed for 2011-2012)

DWARVEN NUMBERS CONVERTER  (spreadsheet tool to convert numbers)
NOTE: Cirth Font (by Dan Smith) required!

DWARVEN MEASUREMENT UNIT CONVERTER (spreadsheet tool to convert modern-day measurements into dwarven measurements).



And off course, a big thank you for anyone that provided source material for these.

About The Dwarrow Scholar

The Dwarrow Scholar first experienced the brilliance of Tolkien when he received a copy of The Hobbit from his uncle as a kid, reading it feverishly again and again. Some years on, when he got his very own walk-man (aye forget about tiny phones, this thing was a brick and played cassette tapes) he made his own little audiotape of The Hobbit, so he could listen to it on his bike on his way to school. Between reenacting the Battle of Five armies with 4 of his school friends (still feel sorry for the kid that had to be the Orc) and before the days of the internet, you would find Roy frequently in libraries trying to find all he could about Tolkien and his beloved dwarves. When Roy isn’t delving into Neo-Khuzdul or searching for lost dwarvish treasures on the net he’s enjoying time with his wife and son, re-reading his tormented Tolkien paperbacks, watching a good movie, learning new languages or playing a game of LoTRO or other dwarf related games.
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49 Responses to More (Neo-)Khuzdul Documents and Tools for dwarven RP-ers and Khuzdul fanatics.

  1. theviking says:

    Wow! Good job bringing all this together!


  2. Elvishmouse says:

    Are you going to be excommunicated from the Dwarves for telling us all this? ;o


  3. nonniemous says:

    I would love to access your Khuzdul documents, especially the dictionaries, but Scribd wants me to become a premium member to download any of them. Is there anywhere I may access them that does not require me to sign up with their service?

    thank you!


    • With the release of The Hobbit, I’ve received a huge amount of similar requests.
      To be clear, it was never my intent to charge for any of these document, seems to be an unfortunate result of using Scribd to publish documents. So, as I’ve said on the youtube channel as well, anyone that wishes to get these documents can, as I’ll send them via email. Note that I’m working on an updated version (including new material that has been released in The Hobbit movie), so once those documents are updated, I’ll be posting them here AND anyone that wants them will get Free via email (your address has been added to my list).
      Just a few more weeks and all should be updated.


      • nonniemous says:

        Oh, you’re far too kind. Thank you! And I can imagine the hits you’re getting because of the movie. Peter Jackson has done a fabulous job of making the dwarves real and giving them character.

        I was trying to figure out if it was possible to translate part of the Neil Finn song into Khuzdul, but there doesn’t seem to be a word for remember or forgive. “Some folk, we never forget; some kind, we never forgive,” just sounds like it should be a proverb.

        Thank you, again, and I’ll keep an eye on my email in a few weeks.


  4. Sluagh says:

    Neat! Those are really well composed works, my dwarven sage. Loved these! It was a good and much needed change from my daily scholar routine.
    A tip for anyone who wants to download the files free; you don’t need to sign up for Scribd for this. Well, at least if you have some documents to upload in exchange. I upload my essays, which is a win-win; I get the needed docs, and I can send the link for my friends on the course:D


    • Thank you. You could off course just send me an email – kstrongbeard[at] and I’ll send you the updated documents once I’ve finished them (in a few weeks).


      • Sluagh says:

        I cannot decline such kindness, and I am also kind of short on time:) Thank you very much, I will put these documents in good use. I just started creating a dwarven scholar for a tale, so all this work will serve a good purpose.:)
        (Ok, actually, just means almost half a year – I’m graduating soon, so time just ran past me…)


  5. Balthasar says:

    Very nice work, thanks for sharing.

    I was working on the subtitles for the Hobbit when I stumbled on the dwarvish texts.
    I’m trying to figure out what Bifur is saying to Gandalf at Bag End.
    I think it’s something like ‘Oakenshield is not here yet’, since he slams his arm.
    Do you have any idea?

    So far I found these translations on the web:

    [Bifur at Bag End]
    ….khuzd… ?

    [Thorin at Bag End :]
    Shazara! ( Silence! )

    [Thorin at Bag End:]
    Du Bekâr! Du Bekâr! ( To arms! To arms! )

    [Thorin’s battle cry:]
    Baruk Khazâd! ( Axes of the Dwarves! )
    Du Bekâr! ( To arms! )

    [Thorin, before entering the passage to Rivendell:]
    Ithrikî! ( Steady! )

    [Thorin in Rivendell:]
    Ifridî bekâr! ( Ready weapons! )


    • I’m working on these myself and have already requested the transcript of these to D.Salo, who would be sharing those as soon as he had some available time.
      I don’t know where you got many of these translations on the web though, but some of these cannot be correct I’m afraid.
      An example is “silence”, as that would be “atkât”, according to Salo’s neo-khuzdul.
      Concerning Bifur’s line at Bag End… the first bit I found difficult to understand, so won’t comment on that, the latter though I believe he says “… ut kari ma”.
      “ma” is used by Salo in his neo-khuzdul to indicate a negative form (so could be something along the lines of “(one) is not present”). It however is also used to indicate “us/we” (when it would be “mâ”), so could also be something along the lines of “… is not with us”.
      For the time being I’ll await the full transcript from David Salo before adding anything to the dictionary and documents.
      But as soon as I have more information on the matter I will surely share it!


      • Balthasar says:

        Thanks for the response, food for thought.

        My source is mainly <q cite=";.
        and much of their source is

        These sites are completely uncomprehensible to me, except for the english parts.

        I guess you’re right though, I’d better wait for the original transscripts.


      • For you info and for what it is worth (without the full transcript). After listening (about 5 dozen times) to the little clips I found on the net. I believe this is what Bifur and Thorin are saying:

        Bifur at Bag End: (um) payâna.* Aimâl ut kari ba!

        Thorin at Azanulbizar (warcry): mim nu tarâg* – Hubekâ!

        *= it is difficult to hear the words that preceed the *, but I do believe that is what is being said here. As for the translation of this, I have a faint idea, yet will wait for the transcript of Salo (wouldn’t want to publish errors).


      • Amber says:

        One other thing with Bifur’s at Bag End… I’ve been an ASL student for 3 years and I’ve read somewhere that Tolkien based iglishmêk loosely off of ASL so with Bifur hitting his arm like that while he spoke, he could indicating Thorin’s Name Sign, seeing as Oakenshield was a given name, his Name Sign would have most likely refer to his oak shield… Just throwing that out there


      • I do not know if Tolkien had worked out Iglishmêk in any detail, if so, it was never published, so what he based it is a bit of a question.
        But indeed, you do have a point. Most sign languages use idicative gestures to sign a name, so I do not see why Iglishmêk would be any different indeed. In the movie when Bifur says along the lines of “um bayana, ut karimâ” (hard to hear so slightly guessing here) and hits his arm, it indeed would be very likely he is referring to Thorin’s epithet.
        This post makes me want to look at the work I did on Iglishmêk once more, though I really must finish the updated on neo-khuzdul first as that is way overdue. Iglishmêk is on the agenda once more, keep you posted 🙂


      • “I don’t know where you got many of these translations on the web though, but some of these cannot be correct I’m afraid.
        An example is ‘silence’, as that would be ‘atkât’, according to Salo’s neo-khuzdul.”

        I have no idea whether this blog is still being watched but if you watch the German dub of “An Unexpected Journey” Thorin *very* distinctly shouts “shazara!” to get the other Dwarves to shut up.


      • Hello and thank you for your comment.
        Please read this article on my tumblr page:
        It should answer your question.
        In short, ‘atkât IS correct, “shazara” is merely a word tossed in for all dubbed versions.


    • coming back to this item…

      The line would translate as “our great leader is not here”.
      And indeed, slamming his arm to indicate Thorin.

      A link where this is confirmed (and some other neo-khuzdul bits and pieces are shown) can be found here:


  6. Nekoke says:

    Hi, I have a question. I can’t hear what Thorin yells when Smaug attacks the gates of Erebor. Is it in Khuzdul (and what word it is exactly) or English and I’m just deaf? 🙂


    • Hello there. No, you aren’t deaf 🙂 It is indeed difficult to hear what exactly he is saying, but I myself do believe it is neo-khuzdul. Though I’m yet to still receive a translation from Salo on the matter, I do believe the meaning is “hold/stand ground”.


      • Nekoke says:

        Thanks for your answer, I was really curious what it could be 🙂 You did amazing work with all these documents 🙂


      • Mikael (Michael) says:

        I hear: “Therkâ!” (Steady!)

        therek, pl. therkâ: “firm, fast, steady,” adjective from the root √th-r-k “hold steady.” The -â ending here is an adjectival plural; therkâ is a syncope of *therekâ, vowels in open medial syllables being prone to syncope.
        //David Salos blog (


      • Coming back to this, I believe Mikael (see his comment above) is indeed correct and it is. “therkâ” (steady). Though (fyi) strangely enough, it should have been “ithrikî”, in the imperative plural (like: “Hold steady everyone!”), instead of this plural adjective form (like: the steady dwarves).


  7. Pingback: Anonymous

  8. Caio César says:

    Man, you are awesome!
    Can you please add my email to your list? I want a copy too!

    Your Neo-Khuzdul dictionary are amazing too, btw. 🙂


  9. Johan says:

    I am currently working on a dwarven character for a roleplaying game and would love to learn as much Khuzdul as possible to enhance the experience. I would be very grateful if you could add me to the list. 🙂


  10. Elenhin says:

    Hello! Amazed by the wealth of knowledge here, just immersing myself in Khuzdul. Could you add me to the email list aswell please?
    Awesome work.


  11. Miss Brylee Jayne says:

    This is really wonderful! Can I be added to the mailing list for them please? Thanks in advance!


  12. Katie says:

    Hi! May I also be added to the list to get the language documents? Thanks!


  13. Umi says:

    I am really grateful for these *-*
    I was wondering if there is a way of getting these without using Scribd, cuz I use Scribd on my phone but I still can’t download the documents and it’s a bit annoying because I kinda need to have them somewhere else (I am going to RP an original character in twitter so yeah, it would help a lot *-*)

    Thank you for taking time and effort to make these *-*


  14. Cana says:

    Hi! Firstly, I love all of the translations you have put up, I find them very usefull as a very big fan of both the movies and the books of Tolkien 😀
    I am curious though, so I thought I would ask – in The Desolation of Smaug, Thorin insult King Thranduil twice, once in front of him and once when he has been cast into the dungeons, yelling it through the door.
    I have managed to find the second one, but I cannot figure out what he says when he speaks directly to the king. Can you perhaps help me with that? 🙂 both the words themselves in Khuzdul and the translation would be absolutely lovely! Thank you!


    • Thank you. The first one is “Imrid amrad ursul!” which is “Die a death of flames!” This phrase can also be found on page 97 in the Weta AUJ: Chronicles II. The second phrase has actually changed in meaning over the course of history. As David Salo’s neo-khuzdul version has changed significantly, it’s original meaning (what Gimli says in the Extended Edition of Fellowship of the Ring) could no longer fit into his current neo-khuzdul version. Originally it was: “Ishkhaqwi ai durugnul” and translated into “I spit upon your grave”.
      The current phrase however is: “Ish kakhfê ai’d dur rugnu!” Witch sounds very similar but has a different meaning altogether.
      It means: “Pouring my excrement on the face of (your) kin” – Ish = a gerund form meaning “pouring”, kakhfê (kakhf = excrement ê = my), ai = upon (as seen in khazâd ai-mênu), ‘d = id = objective article (“the”), dur = face (some have suggested this means “head”, but I do not agree as the mountain “Bundushathûr” means “cloudy head”, head would be “bund”), rugnu = rugn (kin) + u (genetive ending – indicating “of”). This should have been rugnuzu, as he is talking about the kin of another. But we’ll allow it 🙂


      • Girlmidgard says:

        HI – I’m looking everywhere for the clarification for this, and cannot find it. Re:
        Ish kakhfê ai’d dur rugnu! (compare with Ishkhaqwi ai durugnul)
        Thorin clearly states that “I told him he could go” before the Khuzdul, and so the sentence makes no sense in that format:
        I told him he could go I spit on your grave
        I told him he could go pouring my excrement on the face of your kin.
        How to break this down to make sense with the 1st part of the sentence???
        I thought it would be a clear “I told him he could go F*** himself”, but apparently I’m way off.


      • Full details on this phrase had been given in an earlier post from June… enjoy the read 🙂


  15. Guillermina says:

    Wonderfully invaluable resources. Thank you so much for sharing them.

    Is there a way to get the font to make the DWARVEN NUMBERS CONVERTER work? I’m afraid the website has pulled down the material.

    Would you mind adding me to the list to get news about updates?


    • You would indeed require Dan Smith’s Cirth Erebor font to read the characters correctly. The converter itself works correctly, yet will not display the runes correctly without the font.
      I recently noticed this on Dan Smith’s site as well (This content has been removed at the request of the Tolkien Estate). Such a shame really.
      Unfortunately I cannot provide the font myself. I’ll see in the weeks to come if there are other solutions.


  16. Girlmidgard says:

    I still can’t make sense of tying the Westron and Khuzdul together in Thorin’s insult.
    “I told him he could go/pouring my excrement on his kin’s head”
    Are we just supposed to put our own spin on it? “I told him he could go rub my sh!t on all his family’s heads”??


  17. joão pedro says:

    could you put these PDF somewhere else then scribd


  18. Hi! I am really grateful for your support documents, but I am having an adjectival problem. If this is an inappropriate place to ask, let me know, but I’d like to ask whether the “lo” adjectival negation is pre- or postpositive (there is only an English example in Doc 07), and also whether Salo’s rakit, “straight” [√RKT] conforms to the ‘iCCaC(ul) sublation pattern.


  19. Iggy says:

    Hi there!

    I just have to say I’m a big fan of all your works, and all your information has been my safety net while working on my fanfics. Im in love and I wish I could learn khuzdul for myself, but I was never the grammar geek, and with what I understand khuzdul is incredibly complex. I am in awe of your dedication! (okay, done with the praising, I promise ;))

    So I just wanted to make you aware that all of these documents, or most of them are unavailable, so I just wanted to know if I could get on your mail-list (been stalking a few comments above) and it would be great to get all the update reminders and stuff! 🙂

    (also I was wondering if you have any thoughts or plans to make any documents on the size and floor plans of Erebor? I have been playing with some ideas myself, not being an architect or specialist on medieval architecture I just have fun with it, but if you have a more described plan of what Erebor looks like on the inside, how its built, with living arangements, size, anything, I would love to know more about it! Im sure you have plenty to work with, I’m only curious!;) Tolkien didn’t exactly give us much on this subject..)

    A great fan of yours


    • conriocht13 says:

      Not meaning to speak for The Dwarrow Scholar, but he has actually posted updated versions of all the documents here on his blog. Just head to the top of the page, and there should be a tab that says “Free Khuzdul Lessons.” Mouse over it to make a drop-down menu appear, and click “Documents & Dictionaries”, and everything is there for you to browse and download at your leisure! Hope that helps! 🙂


    • Hi Iggy and thank you for the kind words and high praise.

      The documents should all be available in their usual section on this site (Free Khuzdul lessons -> Document & Dictionaries).
      If you are referring however to older version of the documents via scribd, these were removed (as scribd was charging users for documents I made available freely, a practice I disliked).

      I haven’t thought of any documents detailing floor plans of Erebor, and don’t believe I would create such documents.
      Apart from some chambers that were briefly mentioned in The Hobbit your guess would be as good as mine, so by all means continue to enjoy creating such floor plans.




  20. Grace says:

    Late to the party, but could I get the list too, please? Thank you!


  21. Johnny says:

    The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey. In Bag End: 24.35. Bifur says to Gandalf: (something I don’t know if its a “uh” or something that would be in the first word, but then) “payâra. Aimâg ut kari ba!” ( so in this case, maybe: “Uh, payâra. Aimâg ut kari ba!” or maybe “U-payâra. Aimâg ut kari ba!” Just playing with possibilities here 🙂
    Then Yes I’ve seen the posts, and I don’t speak Khuzdul myself like some of you. But that is what the actor says and that he worded it wrong when he said it, that’s very likely.
    I myself am working on a game with LOTR content so flavor text is one bid thing in it, so I like to make it right. Then if I should use what the actor says or what he should have said like you guys spell it, I’m not sure yet.
    But I think it’s unfortunate that the film makers doesn’t wright down the quotes when they uses a made up languish in movies for fans to use.


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